We Offer Workshops For Any Level, From Beginner to Advanced

Upgrading Skills is the fastest return on personal development and provides a foundation for continued growth.

Our Workshops are extremely interactive & designed to establish and reinforce best practices and upskill your teams. All programs will be facilitated by a certified instructor.  Classes will be conducted Via Zoom meetings or can be conducted at your site*. 

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Strategic Planning and Implementation

WHAT: Strategic planning is foundational to success in today’s business world. Most SMB companies, however, do not have a tactical, written strategic plan, and even fewer have the capacity to implement that plan. 

WHO: Designed for the C-suite and senior management, Participants will leave with a complete 3-year strategic plan and the milestones and metrics required to achieve that plan.

Time Management:

WHAT: The average worker operates at 30% efficiency. This workshop will show you how to increase your personal productivity, become more proactive, be better balanced, and experience less stress! Do you want to: Increase your productivity by 15% to 20%? 

WHO: Designed for all employees and facilitated by a Franklin Covey Coach, participants will learn how to schedule and identify priorities, learn the four steps of pro-active self-management and learn to set goals and go for them! Stop letting your commitments slip through the Cracks! 

The CorporateMIND

WHAT: create YOUR company mastermind.

Alignment, Communications and Focus are the foundation for creating a “Corporate Mind” … a single- mindedness of purpose and an ability to filter out distraction. Precious few companies can sustain this “corporate Mind” but for those who can the rewards are great. 

WHO: Designed for C-suite and senior leadership, attendees will develop a model to align their people and processes and implement a culture of accountability and teamwork.

The Five Focuses: A path to improved Leadership

WHAT: Typically, great performers are promoted to managers without consideration of the needed soft skills, coaching capacity, and EQ. We must shift our paradigm and adjust our focus to 5 key areas that matter!

WHO: Designed for the C-Suite and senior leaders, participants will learn tactical ways to align and empower their staff and crush their objectives.

Coaching for Improved Performance

WHAT: Coaching is the greatest tool available to leaders in today’s workplace. However, not enough of us know the difference between coaching, mentoring, and supervising. Coaching is fundamental to great leadership. Learn to become a better coach from a Franklin Covey Certified Coach. Hold your people accountable, empower them and watch them grow. Open the door to getting more done, in less time.

WHO: designed for C-suite and managers, participants will define their own definition of coaching, and learn how create alignment and empowerment, from a certified Franklin Covey Coach.

Succession planning

WHAT: Succession planning is so much more than a legal function:

Define your company’s vision of succession planning and make it a critical corporate initiative. To do this you must establish timelines and metrics to which you can hold yourself and your fellow leaders accountable. Human capital (succession planning) must be a strategic focus to be successful. As the leader, who will focus on succession planning if not you? Learn the 8 critical steps to a successful succession planning.

WHO: Designed for owners and principles seeking stronger teams capable of sustaining the enterprise, attendees will evaluate their human capital and implement tactical development strategies to facilitate a succession plan.

The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team

WHAT: Teamwork is the ultimate competitive advantage. This workshop, developed by Patrick Lencioni will explore ways to improve the cohesion and functioning of your team by applying The Five Dysfunctions model.

We will explore the 5 reasons teams become dysfunctional, and how to overcome that dysfunction.

WHO: Designed for C-suite and senior leadership, participants will leave with a fundamental understanding of the 5 dysfunctions and tactical plans to remedy these issues.

Top Grading Your Organization

WHAT: There is no greater critical function within a company than evaluating and selecting new employees, however given the infrequency of hiring by front line managers, they are grossly unprepared to make sound decisions. Does your company have a well-defined Top grading process that is followed by all?  

WHO: Designed for all managers responsible for selecting and onboarding new employees. Participants will learn fundamentals on how to top-grade their talent. Learn a proven 5 step recruitment and hiring system and standardize a reliable selection process:

– Determine the Crucial elements of success for the position. 

– Learn the elements of an effective “SEARCH” model. 

– Establish a rigorous & standard hiring process. 

– Reduce the impact of “false positive” hires. 

– Establish proven on-boarding processes for new hires. 


WHAT:  Effective leaders focus 85% of their time on five key activities: Coaching, Hiring, Assessing, Managing and Planning (CHAMP). Most managers are consumed with less important tasks and are consequently rendered ineffective. These managers leave the office exhausted, unfulfilled, and stressed. In addition, the people who follow them often times feel the same way. Learn to be a CHAMPion of your people, focusing on those activities which drive the greatest return.

WHO: Designed for C-suiter and senior management, participants will examine their ability sustain allocating 80% of their time to the five critical high gain areas, and create a personal plan as well as corporate best practices to maximize their effectiveness. 

∙ Coaching ∙ Hiring ∙ Assessing ∙ Managing ∙ Planning

The Leadership Institute. A three-part series

WHAT: A powerful and transformational 3-part series focused on building leadership skills.  Each session is 4 hours in length and requires homework. Session I begins by reviewing high performance coaching techniques. We then examine talent management, defining effective hiring and recruitment best practices. In Session II we examine ways in which assessments and benchmarking serve as the foundation to vetting top talent, as well as change management: managing change, creating accountability, and managing the metrics.

The final session introduces strategic planning; 1st building the strategy, 2nd focused on execution and rhythm. Includes a Trimetrix assessment for all attendees

WHO: Designed for managers and leaders at all levels of your organization, attendees will gain an understanding of best practices and techniques in creating high performing teams.

Dynamic Communication (Disc)

WHAT: The Dynamic Communication seminar will open your eyes to a new way of viewing others and yourself. Taking the time to understand the different behaviors of people is the key to effective communication. Discovering how to communicate more effectively will enable you to achieve the things you want, not only at work but also in life. This class includes your own DiSC assessment.

WHO: Designed for anyone wishing to improve their interpersonal relationships, participants will leave with a greater understanding of themselves, insights into recognizing and motivating others, and improved communications.

Understand others’ viewpoints and be able to dialogue convincingly by seeing the world through their eyes.

Negotiation techniques:

WHAT: A successful Negotiation meets 2 objectives:

1. Protects you against making an agreement you should reject.

2. Helps you make the most of your available assets given your goals.

Learn the 4 basic phases of negotiation and why each is important. Using role plays and interactive exercises, we will examine the value triangle and its impact on negotiations.

WHO: Designed for leaders, sales teams and purchasing managers, we will use principles from Harvard Business Review’s “Program on Negotiations” (PON). Participants will master routine negotiation strategies and gain exposure to concession management strategies based on interests and concerns.

Effective Communication

WHAT: Effective communication is at the heart of any successful organization — assessments create a shared language amongst people and understanding across teams. In fact, it’s estimated that 75% of the Fortune 500 companies use DISC. DISC is a powerful yet simple framework used to describe the ways that people communicate. Understanding yourself and your preferred communication style is the building block to self-awareness, and self-awareness underpins most development programs around the world. DiSC is a great tool that organizations can implement to look at talent holistically. This workshop includes a DiSC assessment and comprehensive TEAM report.

WHO: Designed for C-Suite, senior leaders and front-line managers, Participants will learn the fundamentals in DISC modeling, and how to improve employee relationships and become a vital coaching and development tool.

In Search of…Operational Effectiveness

WHAT: A business or operational process is an organized set of activities or tasks that produces specific predictable results. Every organization has a handful of processes such as hiring, operations, customer service, sales, recruitment, quality, finance, etc, which comprise their “Operating system”

Unless these systems are simplified, communicated, integrated, and managed, each of these processes tends to act independently.  The result is lack of cohesion, lost focus, lack of synergy and confusion. The downstream effect is felt by employees, customers, and stakeholders alike.

WHO:  Designed for C-suite and senior leadership, participants will evaluate their Corporate Effectiveness in 6 critical areas of the enterprise, ID critical gaps and adopt an operating system that integrates cross functional initiatives in support of the corporate Mission. This workshop is facilitated by an EOS and Scaling up experienced instructor.

Want a Workshop for Your Organization?
